
Duyun Meng Amei Tea Development Co., Ltd. is located in the demonstration base for entrepreneurship and employment training in Lvyinhu Village, Lvyinhu Street, Duyun City, Guizhou Province. Our premier products include Duyun Maojian tea, Guizhou green tea, black tea, white tea, and tea-based foods. We oversee over 5,800 acres of tea plantations, utilizing a "company + farmers" production model that connects more than 580 local tea farmer households, encompassing over 20,000 acres of tea plantation. Our state-of-the-art tea factory spans over 2,200 square meters, achieving an annual output value exceeding 35 million yuan. In 2022, we were honored as a Leading Enterprise in the Process of Agricultural Industrialization of Qiannan Autonomous Prefecture. Our company's mission is to produce "natural, pure, and healthy" products. We adhere strictly to the principles of quality and integrity, delivering clean, green, and high-quality ecological Duyun Maojian tea to our valued consumers.


公司无公害生态茶叶基地位于-贵州都匀市团山村,这里海拔千米,山高谷深,水源丰沛,林木苍郁,云雾缭绕,高海拔、低日照,昼夜温差大,太阳光的直射通过雾气形成漫射光,从而使茶芽生长速度变慢,增强了茶叶嫩度和营养成份。同时茶园基地水源充分,加上土层深厚,土壤疏松湿润呈酸性或者微酸性,内含大量矿物质,有机质丰富,有利于茶树生长,这样优越的自然环境,加之布依族人历代传承的种茶、炒茶精湛技艺,造就了蒙阿妹都匀毛尖优秀的品质及独特的风格和非凡的品质,2021年蒙阿妹都匀毛尖茶评为“都匀名特优产品”,2023年获得中国老年保健协会“抗衰老保健指定用茶”,同年蒙阿妹都匀毛尖茶入选 “黔南好物”品牌。

Our natural tea base is situated in Tuanshan Village, a core area of Duyun Maojian tea. Nestled at an altitude of over 1,000 meters, this region boasts towering mountains, deep gorges, abundant water sources, and dense forests, perennially shrouded in clouds and mist. The high elevation, low sunlight, and significant temperature fluctuations between day and night allow direct sunlight to create diffuse light through the mist, slowing the growth of tea buds and enhancing their tenderness and nutritional content. Our tea garden benefits from ample water sources and deep, loose, and moist soil that is acidic or slightly acidic, rich in minerals and organic matter, all of which are conducive to the growth of tea trees. This exceptional natural environment, combined with the Buyei people's age-old mastery in tea planting and traditional manual processing, has forged the outstanding quality, unique style, and exceptional attributes of Meng Amei Duyun Maojian tea. In 2021, Meng Amei Duyun Maojian tea was honored as a "Duyun Signature Specialty Product," and in 2023, it was designated as the "Anti-Aging Health Tea" by the Chinese Aging Well Association and was selected as a "Qiannan Premium Product" brand.



Our company is dedicated to providing comprehensive training in tea cultivation, management, and tea ceremony. Each training session accommodates over 40 participants, offering both education and accommodation. Annually, we facilitate the placement of 400-600 students in tea-related careers, thereby supplying the local industry with top-tier professionals. Over the past few years, we have actively organized various major tea events, achieving a positive societal impact. Duyun Meng Amei prioritizes corporate culture development, organizing and participating in various major tea cultural events. Regular training classes are offered, along with frequent mountain excursions, creating a platform for tea companies and enthusiasts to connect and collaborate on strategies for the development of Duyun Maojian tea.



All the processing masters at Meng Amei possess decades of experience in tea making, utilizing traditional craftsmanship to produce top-quality Maojian tea. Our products are supplied directly from the source, saving at least 50% of the intermediary price difference for tea enthusiasts, enabling them to purchase the finest products at the best prices. We offer both online and offline services, with tea artists providing one-on-one tea experiences to guide customers from beginners to experts. Our comprehensive personalized tea gift services provide a one-stop solution for all of your tea needs.









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Welcome to Meng Amei Tea Industry for Appreciating the Mountain and Tea !

·电话:0854-828 5588 ·邮箱:topmeng@qq.com
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